Acercate a mi Tango Festival

09-13/08 | Acercate a mi Tango Festival | Capital federal

Acércate a mí is a unique experience that you can live in Buenos Aires, to enjoy tango in all its corners. Classes, shows, milongas, live orchestras, guest DJs. It is about sharing a lot of tango with great artists and tango celebrities from Buenos Aires. The festival offers an innovative proposal, articulating the Tango technique with other movement disciplines in its classes, to address deep and comprehensive learning. Through the special seminars we propose to transfer concepts, promote and develop significant knowledge, on solid foundations, discover new tools, better understand our body and its possibilities in movement, connect with others and dance sensations. Technique at the service of communication, expression and enjoyment. Pedagogical, fun classes with a wide variety of content that cover all styles of Tango Dance. A festival with its own identity that promotes the roots of Tango, summoning teachers and artists of international recognition and trajectory, whose objective is also to offer a happy social space, to connect with participants from all over the world. Tango and Fitness This section of Tango & Fitness tries to approach from different perspectives the physical preparation that we need to put the body into action. Designed for all audiences, the different classes that are part of this area are oriented to the development of themes, where vital information for the training of amateur and professional dancers is deepened.